Thursday, April 13, 2017

"Wasteland" Narrative by Theo and Tylar

For this term we have been  focusing on narrative and this is my final piece i came up with this story. I found this task very fun and entertaining because of the independence that we had during this activity. It started off with the Game of awesome then we  started 3 narratives and we had to choose which story to go through with. I chose "Wasteland".

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My weekend

On the weekend I had my friend over. We went on a bike ride for 2 hours on saturday and went down to patrick's house. we played on the trampoline. then we raced home to watch the dragons vs manly sea eagles.
that night we roast marshmallows. the next day me tylar and niko played cricket on the road the game ended by smashing the ball into the bush and we could not find the ball. then me and tylar biked down to patricks house and went on there go kart. 10 minutes later tylar got picked up and I biked home on monday I made a motorbike ramp and went for a 2 hour motorbike ride with patrick. Thats my Weekend!

Monday, April 3, 2017

My weekend

in my weekend I went busking For my first time it was really cool I got loads of encouragement from the people waiting for the train; this is how it fall went. At 1.00 I turned up Nervous as ever but I pushed through and did It, niko my brother was with me till 1.30;then got bored and went to mcdonald's. My parents went to watch tasmin my sister's netball game. on sunday we just chilled out the hole day.