Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ukulele rip tide by Vance joy

Today me Niko and breagh had to do something new on the ukulele, we did the song rip tide by Vance joy. Sorry for the bad microphone quality.


  1. Great effort learning something new today! What could you do differently next time to improve the microphone issue? (I thought it sounded pretty good!)

  2. Wow, so impressed by your playing Theo, Niko and Breagh! I could easily listen to that over and over! Your ability to pick a piece of music, learn it so quickly, work together to keep in time and harmony is superb! Good to see that there was flexibility in the group as we cannot always agree on everything but it is our ability to adapt to this and make the best of something that really makes us thrive. Great resilience also Theo as I know you were not too happy with the Ka pai!


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