Tuesday, May 10, 2016

WALT write information report

The great spotted Kiwi

The kiwi is a little flightless bird located in New Zealand. There are 5 types of kiwi which the great spotted kiwi is located here in the west coast. Kiwi are part of the flightless bird family.
The great spotted kiwi has many characteristics and is located in the wild mountainous regions including the west coast with many predators and prey.

The great spotted Kiwi has many physical characteristics.
It is the tallest Kiwi being  45 Cm tall  
thus making it so much easier for them to get over and eat more bugs in there bush.  
The kiwi has a very strong and long beck they have a big body and small head.
A Lot of there body is fat and fur to stay warm in the winter and there strong beak is so they can get food
The great spotted kiwi has a big habitat which is perfect for their physical characteristics

The great spotted kiwi has a very big habitat
The kiwi makes its own burrow  their burrow it is 3 meters long and at the end they have a sleeping room with grass and moss as there bed the make their burrows in old logs or under roots of a big tree
the Kiwi has a lot different places they like to stay
including tussock grasslands, beech forests, hardwood forests and scrub.
the great spotted Kiwi has little predators that is why they have a very wide habitat

The great spotted kiwi has hardly any predators when they are older
it has hardly any predators when they older
The Kiwi has hardly any operators because they are big and have strong's but since kiwis have a very short breeding season and they only lay 1 to 3 eggs every year but not all survive  and max 100 in lifetime not all survive and many do not lay that much.
The young Kiwi has a few big predators stoats and possums because they eat their eggs when the mother is not there and going to get food or sneak in when there are sleeping.
The Kiwi is the only bird with nostrils at the end of their nose so they can stick their nose in the ground to find where the worms and little bugs are.

The great spotted Kiwi  is an endangered species and is protected  every
Were in new Zealand  


  1. You have constructed an excellent information report Theo. Are you finding the Chromebook is helping you with your writing? You must have made an excellent scaffold because you have structured your paragraphs clearly. Keep up the great effort.

    1. Thank you miss j yes I have found that the Chromebook has been helping my writting,

    2. Thank you miss j yes I have found that the Chromebook has been helping my writting,


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