Monday, August 22, 2016

Explaining my whare of well being.


  1. Hi Theo, I think that yours was really funny and you explained it very well. There was a good balance of humor and learning. I really like your whare. Did you practice? Good reording

  2. It's great that you chose to challenge yourself with the way you edited your recording and the addition of humour, but be sure to still rehearse and make your creation the best it can be. Your whare is great and your explanations help me to interpret the images better, well done!

  3. Hi Theo I really liked this, thought it was very funny and I loved your facial expressions. The wee whare was quite cute too> Love xx Mum

  4. What a fun and vibrant presentation of your whare of well-being. I liked it, alot. I also love the way you have noticed the paradoxes that create and shape our lives, fast/slow, dark and light, near and far etc... Nice one Theo!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Mrs H thanks a lot for commenting on my blog.IT was super fun to make and edit


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